Gutter problems can be a real headache for Salem homeowners! From clogging, to leaks and sagging, they can create quite the disarray. (Yuck!) To help keep your gutters in check, let's discuss some common issues and possible solutions.

First up: Clogs are one of the most frequent gutter probelms. Leaves, twigs and other debris will build-up over time, reducing drainage capacity and even causing water to back up into the roof or down the sides of your house. To prevent this from happening it's important to regularly clean out your gutters (at least twice a year) so that water will flow freely without issue. You might also consider installing gutter guards or covers which act as a barrier against debris while still allowing water to pass through.

Next on our list is leaky gutters. If you notice any signs of seepage around corners or seams - it's likely due to improper installation or poor quality materials used in construction. The best way to address this is by getting an inspection done by a professional who can assess what needs repairing and make sure everything is sealed properly with waterproof sealant before you have more serious damage on your hands!

Finally, sagging gutters occur when there isn't enough support along their length causing them to droop downward instead of remaining level with the roofline. This can often be caused by too much weight from debris buildup which makes them bend under pressure - not good! Fortunately, sagging gutters can usually be fixed simply by adding additional hangers or brackets along their length for extra support. Alternatively, having someone come out and clean them regularly should help prevent excessive weight buildup in the first place!

So there you have it - three common gutter problems and potential solutions that every Salem homeowner should know about! With regular maintenance and inspections, you should be able to keep those pesky problems at bay for years to come!